Pleasanton has embarked on an ambitious project needing creativity and vision. Jointly funded by the City of Pleasanton and the Pleasanton Unified School District, a community-based Steering Committee of over 30 adults and students have been charged with creating a plan which promotes an optimal environment for youth and their families.
Hacienda employers, employees and residents can contribute significant input regarding needs assessment as well as sound creative recommendations. This opportunity is only a click away. The City has placed the adult survey online. Pleasanton's Youth Master Plan Survey webpage can be reached at The survey can be completed and forwarded in 5-6 minutes. A deadline of October 10th is set for completion of survey gathering. Join the VISION today!
Additional information may be obtained from the City of Pleasanton Community Services Department. For details on participating in the survey or to submit comments in writing, please contact the City of Pleasanton using the contact information below.
Andy Jorgensen, Senior Supervisor
City of Pleasanton
Post Office Box 520, Pleasanton, California 94566
(925) 484-8160 phone (925) 484-8291 fax e-mail WWW
Hacienda Owners Association
4473 Willow Road, Suite 105, Pleasanton, California 94588-8570
(925) 734-6500 phone (925) 734-6501 fax e-mail WWW