On Saturday, September 29, 2007, the American Lung Association will hold its annual Asthma Walk in Oakland. This is one of many walks happening throughout the nation. Blow the Whistle on Asthma is the American Lung Association's national signature event to raise funds and awareness for asthma and other lung health issues. Proceeds from the walk benefit local, state and national education, advocacy and research programs including funding for 12 Asthma Clinical Research Centers.
Fellow Hacienda tenant, Calpine Corporation, would like you to join them in their support of this event. With over 22 million people suffering from asthma, the Asthma Walk is a nationwide effort to bring attention to this devastating chronic illness. The goal is to raise the funds necessary to better control asthma and find a cure.
Walkers may join individually or as a part of a team by signing up with friends, family, and coworkers. Fellow Hacienda tenant, Calpine Corporation is walking under the team name East Bay Easy Breathers and would love for you to join them. There are many ways to participate in the Asthma Walk. You can volunteer your services, join as an individual, start a new team, sponsor a walker or make a general donation online. To find out more about the American Lung Association or the Asthma Walk, visit their web site at www.oaklandasthmawalk.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=238400&lis=1.
Additional information relating to the event and event participation is available. Please feel free to use the contact information below for details.
Beth Ochsner
American Lung Association
1900 Powell Street, Suite 800, Emeryville, California 94608
(510) 893-5474 phone (510) 893-9008 fax
asthmawalk@alaebay.org e-mail www.californialung.org WWW
Joe McClendon
Calpine Corporation
3875 Hopyard Road, Suite 345, Pleasanton, California 94588
(925) 479-6613 phone (925) 479-7303 fax
joemc@calpine.com e-mail
Hacienda Owners Association
4473 Willow Road, Suite 105, Pleasanton, California 94588-8570
(925) 734-6500 phone (925) 734-6501 fax
info@hacienda.org e-mail www.hacienda.org WWW