All community members are invited to attend the upcoming East Bay EDA 2022 Fall Membership meeting. The East Bay Economic Development Alliance (EDA)  is the regional voice and networking resource for strengthening the economy, building the workforce and enhancing the quality of life in the East Bay. The East Bay is the premiere region for business opportunity, innovation and quality of life.

Event Details

The East Bay EDA Spring Membership Meeting will be held virtually on October, 27th from 9:00 - 10:30 am. Attendees can look forward to an informative presentation from JLL's Alexander Quinn, Director of Research, Northern California, about current economic trends with an interactive Q&A to follow.


This event is free and open to the public. However, attendees must register in advance by visiting www.us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fhjHNyzAQv-5Q3lXEEZdJQ.

Additional Information

Additional information on this event is available. For details, please refer to the East Bay EDA representative below.

Contact Information

Stephen Baiter
East Bay EDA
1221 Oak Street, Suite 555, Oakland, California  94612
(510) 272-6746 phone     (510) 272-5007 fax
Stephen@EastBayEDA.org e-mail     www.eastbayeda.org WWW

Hacienda Owners Association
4305 Hacienda Drive, Suite 330, Pleasanton, California  94588-2738
(925) 734-6500 phone     (925) 734-6501 fax
info@hacienda.org e-mail     www.hacienda.org WWW

Photo by Derick Daily on Unsplash

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