The Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend Livermore's State of the City address. This great community event provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about the City of Livermore. The Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce is a membership association comprised of private businesses, non-profit organizations, public agencies and individuals. A diverse and wide-ranging membership includes two national laboratories, major clean-tech and green-tech manufacturers, wineries, microbreweries, restaurants, retailers, hotels, mining, healthcare systems, financial institutions and many more. Recognizing the special needs of business, the Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce advocates for members at every level of government from local to federal.
The Livermore State of the City address is being held on Thursday, July 14th from 11:30 am - 2:00 pm at the Robert Livermore Community Center, 4444 East Avenue, Livermore. Mayor Bob Woerner will deliver his second annual State of the City address to the Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce membership and guests. The event promises to be an excellent opportunity to learn more about activities and accomplishments in the City of Livermore and the region.
Tickets are $75.00 per person for members of the Livermore Valley Chamber and $85.00 per person for non-members. Registration for the event can be performed by visiting:
Additional information relating to the event and event participation is available. For details, please refer to the Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce representative below.
Christy Malsack
Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce
2157 1st Street, Livermore, California 94550
(925) 447-1606 phone (925) 447-1641 fax e-mail WWW
Hacienda Owners Association
4305 Hacienda Drive, Suite 330, Pleasanton, California 94588-2738
(925) 734-6500 phone (925) 734-6501 fax e-mail WWW