The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce invites you to join them for their Annual Community Service Awards in recognizing honorees for their exceptional contributions. The Community Service Awards began in 1963 to recognize good people doing great things in the community. Since then, hundreds of recipients have been honored. This event will celebrate amazing people who go the extra mile to make Pleasanton a truly exceptional place to live and do business. The efforts of those awardeed make a real difference in the quality of life for everyone in Pleasanton.

Event Highlights

Everyone is invited to attend the Annual Community Service Awards to be held on Monday, October 24, 2022 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. The event will be held at the Callippe Preserve Gold Course located at 8500 Clubhouse Drive, Pleasanton on the open-air vista veranda overlooking the beautiful Pleasanton skyline. Participants will enjoy a fun-filled evening, featuring appetizers and drinks. At the event, the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce will recognize deserving individuals, groups and businesses who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in business, volunteer activities and achievement. This year, the Chamber will present awards in five categories: Alan Hu Foundation (Excellence in Service), Nina Pomeroy (Business Philanthropy), Ken Mano (Distinguished Individual Service), Schlicher Orthodontics (Excellence in Business - Small Company), and Omron Robotics (Excellence in Business - Large Company).


Tickets for this event are $75 - $85 per person, and include heavy appetizers, hosted bar, and a silent auction. Event registration can be completed by going to: A limited number of sponsorship opportunities are available with details available through the Pleasanton Chamber.

Additional Information

Additional information relating to the event and event participation is available. For details, please refer to the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce representative below.

Contact Information

Susie Weiss
Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce
777 Peters Avenue, Pleasanton, California  94566
(925) 846-5858 phone     (925) 846-9697 fax e-mail WWW

Hacienda Owners Association
4305 Hacienda Drive, Suite 330, Pleasanton, California  94588-2738
(925) 734-6500 phone     (925) 734-6501 fax e-mail WWW

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