Bay Area LEEDS invites you to Celeberate Success! Bay Area LEEDS engages STEM career pathway educators and over 300 employers who have high-demand jobs in STEM. Through innovatve programming, Bay Area LEEDS helps prepare the region's youth for STEM careers with relevant industry tools and skill sets by collaborating with businesses and educators to excite students about pursuing purposeful post-secondary STEM based pathways. The organization improves STEM education in the Bay Area regional communities by providing STEM teachers professional development and providing students with meaningful and engaging STEM learning opportunities, while involving current STEM professionals in educating the next generation of STEM leaders and creators.
For the first time, Bay Area LEEDS will be honoring key employers in its inaugural Celebrate Success! Business Recognition Event on Thursday, October 26 from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm at the San Ramon Marriott at 2600 Bishop Drive in San Ramon. Each employer has something unique to contribute. Partners come in a range of forms and varying capacities to connect to and participate with Bay Area LEEDS' STEM programming, and every commitment they make furthers the goal to bring long-term talent development solutions. Everyone is invited to Bay Area LEEDS as they salute various businesses and individual industry partners who have helped create career pathways of excellence and learning for local high school students. This is also a great opportunity to learn about best-practices in employer engagement.
Tickets are available for purchase and cost $100 per ticket. Table groups of 10 may purchase tickets at a discounted price of $85 per ticket. There are also sponsorship opportunities ranging from $500 - $5,000. Tickets may be obtained through the Bay Area LEEDS web site at:
Additional information relating to the event and event participation is available. For details, please refer to the Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group contact below.
April Treece
Bay Area LEEDS
2244 Oak Grove Road, #31342, Walnut Creek, California 94598
(925) 672-3759 phone e-mail WWW
Hacienda Owners Association
4305 Hacienda Drive, Suite 330, Pleasanton, California 94588
(925) 734-6500 phone (925) 734-6501 fax e-mail WWW