The Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative is a new federal program designed to recognize companies that excel in offering transportation alternatives to their employees. Under the auspices of the initiative, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will signify qualifying companies as a Commuter Choice Employer under a National Standard of Excellence.

Hacienda Companies Qualify

Here is the great news: Hacienda employers already qualify for this recognition through their participation in the parks' transportation programs. To complete the process of becoming a certified Commuter Choice Employer, simply follow these two steps: sign your company up to participate in the free Alameda County Guaranteed Ride Home program and complete the Commuter Choice Employer enrollment form. It's as simple as that!

Becoming a Commuter Choice Employer

Whether you know it or not, you are already meeting the criteria to become a Commuter Choice Employer! Hacienda's comprehensive approach to transportation alternatives has received numerous awards. The leadership you have displayed through your participation in these programs is an important part of their success and worthy of commendation. Simply follow these two steps to secure your recognition:

  • Sign up for the Guaranteed Ride Home program. The Alameda County Guaranteed Ride Home program is a free program administered by the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency. The program guarantees a free ride home via taxi or rental car on those days when an employee has taken transit but needs an emergency ride home due to family illness or crises, or unscheduled overtime. Enrollment in this program is simple. Employers fill out an "Employer Registration Form." Next, company employees using alternative forms of transportation fill out the "Employee Registration" form. Upon completion of these two steps, registered employees receive their emergency ride voucher. The Alameda County Congestion Management Agency may be contacted using the information below for additional details.

  • Complete the Commuter Choice Employer enrollment form. By becoming a registered Commuter Choice Employer, you can further develop your competitive edge by letting affiliates know your company offers employees a benefit in the form of commute choices. Furthermore, you can receive national recognition from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation for your contributions to traffic reduction and cleaner air in the community.

National Recognition

Employers are encouraged to enroll in the Commuter Choice Employer program prior to August 1, 2001. Doing so will allow you the opportunity to receive recognition by the EPA at a special national press event to be held in mid-August during the Association for Commuter Transportation conference in Portland.

Enrollment Assistance

Hacienda in partnership with the EPA, is excited to be able to play a role in establishing you as a nationally recognized business leader. If you are interested in participating in this program, there are a number of resources ready to guide you through the application process. Please feel free to contact Hacienda for information on the program using the contact information below. Additional details are also available by following this link,, or by contacting the Commuter Choice Hotline at (888) 856-3131.

Contact Information

Diana Teich
Alameda County Congestion Management Agency
c/o Nelson Nygaard
833 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, California  94103
(415) 284-1544 phone     (415) 284-1554 fax e-mail WWW

Robin Snyder
US EPA 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, (6406J), Washington, DC  20460
(202) 564-1359 phone     (202) 565-2085 fax e-mail WWW

Hacienda Owners Association
4473 Willow Road, Suite 105, Pleasanton, California  94588-8570
(925) 734-6500 phone     (925) 734-6501 fax e-mail WWW

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