Hacienda's Annual Transportation Fair will be taking place on Wednesday, September 26, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the CarrAmerica Conference Center. This special preparation for Rideshare Week will inform your employees about transportation alternatives everyone can use to reach Hacienda. Pledge to use a commute alternative once during Rideshare Week in their special Destination Paris promotion and win a chance at incredible prizes.
The first 500 people attending Hacienda's Transportation Fair will receive a free Commuter Wallet! Special drawings will also be held to award prizes to attendees. Prizes include: gift certificates, BART tickets, computer accessories, phone cards, sportswear, commuter mugs, t-shirts and more.
DART service, provided by WHEELS, is available to transport you to and from the event. For information on using DART, visit the WHEELS website at: www.wheelsbus.com/dart/dart.html. When ordering DART service inform the reservation attendant that your destination point is the CarrAmerica Conference Center, 4400 Rosewood Drive. DART service may be used free of charge with your Hacienda WHEELS pass. Passes may be ordered in advance of the event at: www.hacienda.org/materials/materials_commute_pass.html. Parking at the event is also available.
Hacienda's Transportation Fair will feature a variety of groups providing transit related information. Participants will include: RIDES for Bay Area Commuters, WHEELS, County Connection, SMART, Tri-Delta Transit, MAX, BART, ACE, VPSI, Enterprise Vanpool, Black Tie Limousine, Bay Area Bicycle Coalition, Dublin Cyclery, Commuter Check, WageWorks, TravInfo, Guaranteed Ride Home, City of Pleasanton Commendable Commutes, Commute Alternative Network, Commuter Connection, Solano Commuter Information, Commute Solutions, Peninsula Congestion Relief Alliance, Cingular Wireless (telecommuting and home office demonstrations), Bay Area Clean Air Coalition, Heart Association, Lung Association and the East Bay Regional Parks District. Attendees can also pick up their free transportation pass for WHEELS and DART buses. Need help planning your commute? Want to know how to get from here to there? Interested in resources that can show you the full range of transportation alternatives available? Get a preview of what the Transportation Fair will have to offer utilizing the links below:
Hacienda's Free WHEELS Pass All employees and residents on Hacienda may obtain a free WHEELS pass to use anywhere, anytime on the WHEELS system. This service includes all local buses, links between BART and ACE as well as free access to the I-680 Express bus from Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill. To obtain a pass, simply follow this link: www.hacienda.org/materials/materials_commute_pass.html.
Hacienda's New Rider Program Try our special New Rider program for a variety of free incentives to aid your alternative commute. BART, ACE, SMART and Tri-Delta Transit offer free passes for first- time users to try their services. Pick up your incentive today at: www.hacienda.org/materials/materials_commute_rider.html.
Exhibitor Overview Hacienda's Transportation Fair will give you direct access to the regional organizations offering the best in alternative transportation. You can obtain an overview of these organizations and their services under the Transportation Section of Resources at www.hacienda.org.
Tri-Valley Transportation Guide Would you like a comprehensive reference on the Tri-Valley transportation network? A new guide is available which shows all of the regional services available for your alternative commute.
Rideshare Week Rideshare Week, a regional event sponsored by RIDES for Bay Area Commuters, offers additional prizes and opportunities for those willing to try a transportation alternative during the week of October 1-5. You can register for the event at the Hacienda Transportation Fair. Registrants requesting a carpool or vanpool matchlist will receive a free Tote Bag. You can also register on-line by going to the RIDES Rideshare Week web site at www.paris.rides.org/main/. RIDES services are available on the internet at: www.rides.org.
Hacienda Owners Association
4473 Willow Road, Suite 105, Pleasanton, California 94588-8570
(925) 734-6500 phone (925) 734-6501 fax
info@hacienda.org e-mail www.hacienda.org WWW