Now there are some new ways to ACE your commute. ACE will be rolling out a new train service and a special rider program effective January 6, 2003.
A new service available to Hacienda employees and residents will be available as of January 6, 2003. Under the new schedule, the first evening train will depart the San Jose station at 3:20 pm and continue along the route approximately one hour earlier than the old schedule. The new schedule will be effective January 6, 2003 and is posted at: For those inbound to Pleasanton from the San Joaquin Valley, the new arrival and departure times are as follows:
Pleasanton am (arrival) 5:39 am, 6:44 am, 7:55 am
Pleasanton pm (departure) 4:16 pm, 5:11 pm, 6:21 pm
Beginning January 2003, ACE is sponsoring a new promotion called the ACE Buddy Plan. Under this new program, current riders can save money by referring a potential rider to ACE for a free five day trial pass. If your friend likes the service, they are eligible to buy one monthly pass at 50% off. When they purchase their discounted pass, you will receive a certificate for 50% off a monthly pass just for referring them. Details on this program will be posted shortly at
Laura Farley
P.O. Box 31360, Stockton, California 95213
(209) 468-5099 phone (209) 468-5649 fax e-mail WWW
Hacienda Owners Association
4473 Willow Road, Suite 105, Pleasanton, California 94588-8570
(925) 734-6500 phone (925) 734-6501 fax e-mail WWW