Have you ever thought of carpooling or using transit to get to work, but didn't because you worried you might need to get home in an emergency? The Alameda County CMA Guaranteed Ride Home Program ensures you will get home by guaranteeing a free ride to any registered employee who used an alternative form of transportation to get to work.
Whether it's a family illness or crisis, or you are asked to work unscheduled overtime, with the Guaranteed Ride Home Program you are literally guaranteed a ride home on those days you came to work using almost any mode other than driving alone. The great news is this: the program is completely free and all companies located in Hacienda automatically qualify for participation no matter the size of the business. All you need to do is enroll.
Enrollment in the program is simple. A new web site has been posted featuring downloadable registration forms as well as online employee registration. The new web site is located at: www.grh.accma.ca.gov. Employers can enroll their company by simply following this link: www.grh.accma.ca.gov/grh/employer_form.pdf. Once an employer is enrolled, each employee wishing to participate in the program can enroll themselves online at: www.grh.accma.ca.gov/grh/emp_registration.htm or employee enrollment forms may be downloaded at: www.grh.accma.ca.gov/grh/employee_form.pdf. Program enrollment information is also available on Hacienda's web site at: www.hacienda.org/materials/materials_commute_grh.html.
Instant enrollments are an optional part of the program provided as a courtesy to program participants by the employer. In the event of an emergency, an unregistered employee may enroll in the program on the spot by filling out the registration form, signing a liability waiver and faxing the information to the Guaranteed Ride Home program. The employer will then provide the employee with the voucher packet and instructions for taking a ride.
Rental cars are a new component to Guaranteed Ride Home. The Alameda County Guaranteed Ride Home Program has partnered with Enterprise to bring this new option for a ride home to Hacienda participants. For participants who meet the criteria, rental cars will be the new mode of choice for emergency rides. Taxis will also be available to meet your emergency ride needs. More information on the program and the new rental car program is located at: www.grh.accma.ca.gov/grh/how.htm.
Kara Vuicich
Alameda County CMA
Guaranteed Ride Home c/o Nelson Nygaard
833 Market St., Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103
(510) 433-0320 phone (415) 284-1554 fax
info@grh.accma.ca.gov e-mail www.grh.accma.ca.gov WWW
James Paxson
Hacienda Owners Association
4473 Willow Road, Suite 105, Pleasanton, California 94588-8570
(925) 734-6500 phone (925) 734-6501 fax
info@hacienda.org e-mail www.hacienda.org WWW