The City of Pleasanton offers a host of services to the community. Browse the directory below for descriptions of the services and contact details for each of the city's departments. More in-depth information is also available at
As chief administrative officer, the City Manager is responsible for providing overall leadership and administrative direction to the organization in the fulfillment of City Council policies and priorities. Specific functions include preparing an annual operating budget, overseeing personnel related practices and activities and directing city services and programs. Contact the City Manager's office at (925) 931-5002.
Appointed by the City Council, the City Attorney serves as chief legal counsel and the department head for the City Attorney's Office, a full-service legal department that advises council members and city staff on contractual, regulatory, and litigation matters. Questions typically relate to open meeting and public records laws; conflicts of interests; land use and environmental laws; municipal elections; employment and labor relations; municipal utilities; procurement and other internal services; and resolutions, ordinances, and other legal documents. Contact the City Attorney's office at (925) 931-5015.
Absorbing many functions of the former Planning and Public Works Departments, this organization now houses the Planning, Building Inspection, Code Enforcement, Engineering Services and Construction, and Traffic Information Divisions.
Planning Services The Planning Division is responsible for providing a range of planning services related to current, advanced planning and code enforcement. The City Planning Commission advises the Council on land use matters including zoning issues, use permits, variances, and site and architectural plans. The Commission reviews and makes recommendations regarding development plans submitted by the Planning Division, and is also responsible for General Plan and Specific Plan reviews.
The division's web site,, has extensive information about all facets of the planning and building process, including applications for Development Review, the Zoning Parcel Map, Municipal Code Regulations,Site Development Standards by Zoning District, and Ordinances Related to Planned Unit Development Zoning.
A collection of Green Building-related documents, checklists, and guidelines, including the Energy Element of the General Plan and information on the Solar City's Program, is also available online.
For general planning information as well as special events regulations, contact the division at (925) 931-5600. For Business License information, call (925) 931-5440. For Tree Removal information, contact the City Landscape Architect at (925) 931-5672.
Building and Safety Services This division helps safeguard Pleasanton citizens against faulty or inappropriate building, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical construction practices. The division provides guidance in compliance with state and local construction laws as they relate to seismic, wind, and fire life safety in both plan review and field inspection. The division's objective is to maintain the highest level of public safety and customer service in the administration of building construction code enforcement. The general number for the division is (925) 931-5300.
Code Enforcement This division enforces the Pleasanton Municipal Code as it applies to property maintenance, property nuisances, and other problems in residential and commercial zoning districts.
The division works closely with other city departments in order to resolve health, safety, and public nuisance problems that adversely affect Pleasanton's quality of life. The unit focuses on public education as the best way to gain voluntary compliance with the Municipal Code and steers abatement measures through coordinated and cooperative measures. Call the division at (925) 931-5620.
Engineering This division is responsible for the design and construction of public facilities and review of private infrastructure; plan review and inspection of building construction; and transportation systems. The division consists of Engineering and Construction Inspection. The general phone number is (925) 931-5650.
Traffic This division is responsible for planning and operating the roadways, sidewalks, and bikeways in Pleasanton to provide for the safe and efficient movement of people, goods and services. The most common requests of Traffic Division staff involve safety, speed, traffic signals, signs and markings, and school and neighborhood traffic conditions. The general number is (925) 931-5677.
The mission of Pleasanton's Economic Development Program is to provide a positive business climate and a stable economic base for the provision of goods, services, and facilities desired by the community. Recognizing that Pleasanton is a product in the economic development market, the department works to remain competitive by building upon the city's strengths while realistically addressing challenges that the city can directly control or influence.
The city's Economic Development Strategic Plan, last revised in February 2007, is one vehicle for advancing these accomplishments. The document also serves as a guide for the Economic Vitality Committee, a group of local business people from different market segments who are appointed by the City Council to serve the city as advisors.
Another department initiative is the Local Emergency Action Plan (LEAP), a partnership between the city and local businesses and nonprofits to ensure continuity of business and service operations after a local emergency or disaster. For more information, contact Genevieve Pastor-Cohen, Emergency Preparedness Manager, at (925) 454-2317.
Economic Development also leads the city's participation in Commendable Commutes, a partnership with local employers to help reduce peak hour traffic and air pollution by promoting transportation alternatives. Services include a citywide Guaranteed Ride Home Program, on-site transportation information visits, and Try Transit Program. All Hacienda businesses are eligible to participate in this program. Contact an Economic Development Specialist at (925) 931-5039.
The department participates in a number of regional economic development efforts, including the Tri-Valley Business Council, and oversees an online business directory, a free job website for Pleasanton employers (, information on starting a business, and an online directory of available commercial space. Contact the department at (925) 931-5038.
The Finance Department is responsible for the safekeeping, management, and accounting of the city's financial assets. The department provides city financial information to the public, the City Council, the City Manager, and other city departments. It also audits revenue sources, processes cash receipts, payroll and accounts payable, administers assessment districts and other debt, invests city funds, monitors the budget, and coordinates financial audits. In addition, the department reads water meters, and processes bills and payments for water and sewer customers.
The Finance Department is organized into four divisions, most of which can be reached through the main department number, (925) 931-5400.
Administration Division The Administration Division provides the direction and coordination of all department functions.
Treasury Division This division monitors, controls, audits, and invests city funds.
Accounting Division The Accounting Division is responsible for maintaining the general ledger accounting system. This includes processing the city's payroll, receiving and accounting for all cash collections, paying bills, invoicing and collecting accounts receivable, posting all financial activities to the computerized ledger system, and generating financial reports.
Utility Billing Division This division is responsible for reading all water meters, producing bills, processing payments, and providing customer account services and water conservation information. Reach the division directly at (925) 931-5425.
As an emergency response and community service organization, the goal of the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department is to limit the risk of fire; to limit injury and property damage associated with fire, explosions, hazardous materials incidents, storms or other natural and technological emergencies; to prepare city forces for disaster response; and to better prepare the community for self help in the event of a major disaster.
The Fire Department also conducts a number of fire prevention activities for businesses, including new construction and tenant improvement plan check and inspection and annual fire inspections. A commitment to emergency preparedness is another key focus of the department, which provides a wide range of services for the public. Information about how to prepare for various emergencies can be found on the city's website at In an emergency, always dial 911. To contact the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department with questions when emergencies aren't present, call (925) 454-2361.
Located at 400 Old Bernal Avenue, the Pleasanton Public Library is open seven days a week: Monday through Thursday, 10:00 am to 9:00 pm; Friday and Saturday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm; and Sunday, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Reference librarians are ready to help with any business or general question in person, by phone, or online at The online site also allows users to do catalog searches and renewals, place materials on hold, and find links to extensive online business resources, from business law, industry information, and how to start a business to business directories and investment information. Library cards, free to anyone who resides in, is employed in, or attends school in California, are issued in person at the Reception Desk. Temporary visitors to the state can request a short-term card. For more information, contact the library at (925) 931-3400.
Many functions formerly delivered through the city's Public Works Department are now organized under the Operations Services Department, which oversees a variety of areas related to the delivery and maintenance of utilities and public assets, including support services for building and fleet maintenance. Administrative offices are located at the Operations Services Center, 3333 Busch Road. The general number is (925) 931-5500.
Street Division This division ensures that city streets, sidewalks, parking lots, traffic control signs, and pavement markings are maintained to provide safe and accessible public passage throughout. For more information, The general contact number is (925) 931-5551.
Utilities Division The Utilities Division encompasses source control; sewer, storm drain, and water systems; and the water lab. The Sewer/Storm Drain unit is committed to meeting the ever-increasing challenges of service demands, conserving natural resources, preserving the environment, and protecting the public health. Services are provided around the clock. During normal business hours (7:00 am to 3:30 pm), call the Sewer Division at (925) 931-5535. Emergency service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year by calling the Pleasanton Police Dispatcher at (925) 931-5100.
Water Division The Water Division provides a dependable water supply to Pleasanton residents and businesses. It strives to maintain a leak-free system that provides continuous service and emergency fire protection and meets the fluctuating demands of the system. A high priority is meeting all State Health Department standards and protecting Pleasanton's natural resources and the environment. Contact the Water Division at (925) 931-5520 during normal business hours (7:00 am to 3:30 pm). For after-hours emergency service, call the Police Dispatch at (925) 931-5100.
Utility Planning Division This division houses the Clean Water and Water Conservation Programs. The city's Clean Water Program is a combined effort with local governments, residents and local businesses working together to protect area creeks, wetlands, and ultimately San Francisco Bay. The program is based at the Operations Service Center, 3333 Busch Road, and can be contacted at (925) 931-5520.
The Water Conservation Program reflects the city's commitment to providing all its water customers with information and programs for wise water use, helping to protect precious resources, save the environment, and reduces the cost of utility bills. Contact a water conservation coordinator at (925) 931-5500.
The Parks and Community Services Department presents a wealth of indoor and outdoor activities, classes, services, and facilities for all ages. Specific offerings include: aquatics, golf, facility rentals, preschool, parks, trails and open space, paratransit, recreational activities for the developmentally disabled, sports, and senior and youth services. Classes, camps, and activities are listed in the quarterly Activities Guide. Online registration for after-school recreation programs, aquatics, exercise and sports classes, teen activities, and much more is available from the city's web site. Contact the department at (925) 931-5340.
The mission of the Pleasanton Police Department is to work in collaboration with the community to protect life and property. This is accomplished through the creative use of resources, community education, and involvement and interactive problem-solving. The department's underlying philosophy is Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS), which aims to create an enhanced problem-solving partnership between the police and the public. To those ends, the police department maintains personnel devoted to community policing, crime prevention, patrol operations, traffic, investigation, records and communications, permits, and youth services.
The department also has an extensive crime prevention program, offered at no charge to businesses. Simply call the department to schedule a security survey for your business. An officer will visit your site, inspect it, and make security improvement recommendations. For information or non-emergency calls contact the department at (925) 931-5100. In an emergency, always dial 911.
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