A big warm welcome to our Sister City delegates from Tulancingo, Mexico. A busy five day schedule has been planned for our friends by the Pleasanton Sister City Committee. Many of these activities will be limited due to lack of space but there are quite a few that are open to all who would like to attend. So, check the list and call Bob Athenour at 846-3597 or Steve Noble at 846-5900, to confirm attendance.
The delegates will be arriving at the San Francisco airport at approximately 6:45 pm, Monday, September 19th and will be met by the Pleasanton Sister Committee. From there, they will head for a reception in their honor at the Pleasanton Hotel at approximately 8:30 pm. This is open to all interested persons for a nominal fee of $4.00 per person.
Thursday, September 20th, there will be an official welcome at City Hall by the City Council and staff.
Following these ceremonies, there will be a tour of the Cheese Factory, a visit to Amador High School, a special tree planting at Century House, followed by lunch hosted by the Junior Women’s Club.
After lunch, the day continues with a tour of De Vor Nursery through the rose gardens, a motor tour of the city, return to the motel for a short leisure period before heading to the Chamber of Commerce Mixer at the Museum on Main Street. From the mixer, the group will return to the Pleasanton Hotel for a dinner hosted by the Rotary Club.
Events, this day, open to the public are the luncheon at $5.50 per person and the mixer at $4.00 per person.
Friday, September 21st, the day will begin with a visit to the sewage plant and transfer station. A barbeque in the Aquatic Center at noon, (open to the public at $5.00 per person), hosted by George Spiliotopolous. A tour of Amador Valley Athletic Club and visit to Hacienda Business Park will precede a short leisure time and dinner at Haps Restaurant hosted by the Lions Club.
Saturday, September 22nd, begins with coffee and donuts hosted by the Pleasanton Bakery.
After serving as the Grand Marshals of the Heritage Days Parade, which begins at 10:00 am down Main Street, our friends will visit the Street Fair then to a luncheon at the Villa Restaurant hosted by the Soroptomist Club. A trip to Stoneridge Shopping Center will take place before our guests are honored at the Heritage Days BBQ at the Fairgrounds hosted by the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce. Persons interested in attending this event should make reservations by calling the Chamber at 846-5858. Cost is $12.00 per person.
On Sunday, St. Augustine’s Church has been selected for services with mass at 8:45 am. This will be followed by a breakfast given by the Lions Club at Heritage Days and activities at the Amador Valley Savings and Loan parking lot at approximately 10:00 am. A tour of Stoney Ridge Winery followed by a picnic lunch by George Spiliotopolous completes the afternoon.
At 7:00 pm, a farewell dinner will be held at Castlewood Country Club. This is open to the public at $15.00 per person. The picnic lunch is also open to the public at $3.50 per person.
Monday, September 24th, the delegates will depart for San Francisco for a short visit and overnight stay. They will then head back to Tulancingo on Monday.
Special presentations and honors are also planned for the delegation while they are visiting our town.
Former Pleasanton Mayor Bob Butler originally signed a proclamation back in March which officially proclaimed Pleasanton and Tulancingo Sister Cities.
A similar proclamation was signed in Tulancingo in August when 14 Pleasanton delegates visited Tulancingo.
Following these official visits to each city, plans will be formulated for exchanging cultural programs.
Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Sister City Program may do by advising Bob Athenour or Steve Noble.
Membership is $5.00 per person which includes receiving a newsletter for ongoing information about the program.
To see a reproduction of the original article and edition of Pleasanton Pathways, visit: September 17, 1984 Pathways.