This is the last in a three-part series on the planning and approval process required for final approval of building plans within Hacienda Business Park.
After a building plan makes it through the approval process at Hacienda Business Park, it is sent on to various departments at the City of Pleasanton for their recommendations and approval. In this stage, the plans are examined for their compliance with established city standards, the building's effect on infrastructures, and its overall aesthetic appeal.
This process begins with the city's planning department. Plans for each individual building are submitted to the planning department, which makes recommendations for any necessary changes or improvements for approval. The plans are also sent on to the engineering, fire and police departments for recommendations before they go back to the planning department for a final recommendation. The final recommendation is then sent on to the Planning Commission and the City Council for their review and approval. The city may also make recommendations before they vote for approval or denial of the building plans.
The particular zoning of the land site has a major impact on what kind of buildings can be built within a particular area. Hacienda Business Park is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD), which allows mixed uses for mixed commercial and industrial development within the Park, providing the use is in compliance with the city's general plan.
"Under the PUD zoning, the planning department approves the overall use of the land and allows for various uses within the space without having to rezone each individual plot," explains Bob Harris, City Planner. "The PUD zoning allows for a little more flexibility, but each individual building must still be approved and meet the same standards that other buildings must."
Buildings at Hacienda Business Park, as explained in the February 6 edition of Pleasanton Pathways, must adhere to a strict set of conditions before they are approved by the Hacienda Owners Association and allowed to be sent on to the city for approval. There are 110 separate conditions each building must meet.
"Hacienda has some very specific requirements that cover many of the conditions we require. They have a very high set of standards that the builders must meet," states Harris.
The planning department examines the building plans for a number of requirements, including design and aesthetic appeal," explains Harris. "We look at each building to make sure its design is appropriate for the particular setting. We wouldn't, for example, allow an ultra-modern glass building in downtown Pleasanton, while such a building might be fine or perfectly acceptable in another setting."
Building plans are also submitted to the city's engineering department as part of the approval process. Engineering takes a look at the building in terms of its impact on public works. The building's impact on facilities such as water, sewer, streets and parks is examined in this process.
"Engineering takes a look at the way a building will affect the public in terms of the facilities we all share," explains City Engineer Bob Warnick. "We make sure that the building meets the conditions we have established for this, then we continue with on-going inspections to see that the standards are maintained."
Necessary traffic improvements are just one of the conditions engineering may make in its final report to the planning deportment. Hacienda Business Park was required to make improvements on Hopyard Road, including widening the streets and adding lights and signals as part of its development. These improvements were paid for by the developers of the park, The Prudential Insurance Co. of America and Callahan-Pentz, as were the improvements on Stoneridge Drive, Santa Rita Road and W. Las Positas Boulevard.
"Our major concern is to see that the quality of Pleasanton and its facilities is mainlined for the people who live and work here," summarizes Warnick. "Quality developments such as Hacienda share that concern and are setting high standards in seeing that our important needs are met."
To see a reproduction of the original article and edition of Pleasanton Pathways, visit: March 5, 1984 Pathways.