Approximately 45,000 people lined the sidewalks of Main Street in Pleasanton on Sunday, May 27th to "roll" with the Goodtimes Parade, sponsored by radio station KNBR of San Francisco.
The parade was the 10th year anniversary celebration of the first time the "Goodtimes" rolled into our quiet little city.
It all started with a bet between radio personalities Frank Dill and Mike Cleary.
As loser of the bet, Mike had to arrange to hold a parade in Frank’s honor. The “small” parade under Mike’s direction “rolled” into an extravaganza which surpassed everyone’s wildest expectations.
This year spectators arrived early on Main Street to claim their spot on the street for the best view of the very popular, zany, crazy and fun parade.
Coolers filled with cold drinks helped everyone survive the rising temperatures. The sun beat down on a happy, contented crowd and the whole thing looked like one huge picnic.
Colorful umbrellas were also spotted along the parade route and provided needed shade for those who were unable to find a shady spot under a big tree.
The spirit of the crowd kept pace with the rising temperature.
Walking down the sidewalk from one location to another was almost an impossibility as eager viewers were reluctant to move an inch in fear of losing their viewing spot.
Local non-profit organizations worked with zest to take care of the thirsty, hungry crowd. Downtown businesses also reported a very good day at the registers.
The 150 zany parade entrants kept the crowd well-entertained for over two and half hours in the 90+ degree heat. No small feat in itself.
Following the parade, most people headed for their favorite place to do whatever one does following a merry afternoon’s delight.
Activity at the Pleasanton Hotel remained at full-force well into the evening, with the “Illusions”, a local band, appearing on the scene to provide dancing music for the overflow crowd.
So, yet another parade marches on as part of Pleasanton’s history. KNBR states this will be the last “Goodtimes Parade,” but rest assured, this fun-loving town will always “Let The Goodtimes Roll” in their own spirited way!
To see a reproduction of the original article and edition of Pleasanton Pathways, visit: June 4, 1984 Pathways.