Exceptional Needs Network Supports Children with Special Needs

Exceptional Needs Network (ENN) was founded in 2001 by a dedicated group of parents who experienced firsthand the challenges of raising children with special needs such as autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and other developmental disabilities. These parents formed ENN to make a positive impact in the lives of Tri-Valley children with special needs and their families. Since its inception, ENN has focused on offering a badly needed break for these parents and children, as well as support.

“ENN provides a critical need within the community for specialized support and resources for families raising children with disabilities,” says Board President Valerie Hund. “These families often face unique challenges that can be physically, emotionally, and financially taxing. Respite care and summer activities, such as those provided by ENN, are not merely beneficial; they are essential for the well-being of these families and their children.”

In 2002, ENN began holding camps at the Taylor Family Foundation’s Camp Arroyo in Livermore. The nonprofit holds three camps a year that accommodate children and individuals with special needs aged six to 22. These camps give family members time to recharge and engage in typical family activities while the children with special needs benefit from a nurturing camp experience among peers.

The nonprofit prides itself on hosting camps with only one prerequisite for campers, which is having an Individual Educational Plan. Many other camps have interviews and a process of approving or not approving an individual to attend camp. ENN officials believe it is critically important to offer families the chance to receive a much-needed respite whatever their child’s disability, medical needs, or behaviors.

Thanks to fundraisers, donors, and community support, ENN has served more than 1,000 campers over the years. These camps maintain a high standard of care and a one-to-one camper-to-counselor ratio. Officials say this approach ensures personalized attention and a safe, enjoyable experience for the children. As a result, campers are free to participate in activities at their own pace and according to their own abilities.

“For the campers attending ENN camps, the impact is significant,” according to Board member Laura Peters. “These camps offer more than just a fun summer activity. They provide a safe and nurturing environment tailored to their unique needs. The camp activities are designed to promote social interaction, communication, and independence among the campers. The experience of being around peers who face similar challenges is invaluable, as it provides a sense of community and understanding that they might not experience elsewhere.”

The nonprofit offers other experiences as well as camps. In February, Night To Shine, a prom for people with special needs, was held in Pleasanton. Many of ENN’s camp counselors attended the event as a volunteer or as the companion for a guest with special needs. Often ENN matches prom companions before the event with guests who also attend its camps to make it a more comfortable and enjoyable event. Eligible parents are encouraged to share their email addresses with ENN to get updates on events and camps, as well as network with other parents and caregivers.

“ENN envisions a world where exceptional children are provided with extraordinary experiences,” notes another Board member, Kirsten Sprott. “This vision is rooted in the belief that every child, regardless of their developmental challenges, deserves opportunities to thrive, learn, and enjoy a fulfilling life. ENN is dedicated to turning this vision into reality through various supportive programs and initiatives.”

For more information about Exceptional Needs Network, please visit www.ennetwork.org, www.facebook.com/groups/49303946657, or www.instagram.com/camp_en.

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