Rideshare Pass

Hacienda is a strong supporter of ridesharing and provides many ridesharing accommodations. Carpools (two - six people driving to work together regularly) and vanpools (seven or more people commuting together) are encouraged and assisted in many ways. A special rideshare pass is available from Hacienda to allow you access to preferred parking when you carpool or vanpool to work.

Rideshare Benefits

Joining a carpool or vanpool has several benefits. Two in particular, cost and convenience, are among the main reasons commuters find these options attractive. Carpoolers and vanpoolers save dramatically on the expenses associated with the wear and tear on a personal vehicle as these costs are divided over a group. In addition, vanpool drivers receive additional benefits from these program as they typically ride for free and obtain personal use of the vehicle after hours and on weekends. With customized commute matching, convenience is assured as commuters with similar living and working arrangements are pooled together. You can also take advantage of the following:

  • Commute Resource Center - Take advantage of Hacienda's Commute Resource Center (www.hacienda.org/commuter-resource-center) to learn about the variety of ways to commute to Hacienda as well as the various rideshare commute incentives available both locally and regionally. Hacienda employees and residents can also create a custom commute profile within Hacienda's portal to learn about rideshare opportunities with other Hacienda tenants.
  • Preferential Parking for Rideshare - Hacienda provides a special parking location incentive for those who share a ride to work. Hacienda's design guidelines require all sites within the park to provide preferential parking spaces to those vehicles used for ridesharing at a rate of five percent (5%) of the total stalls required for a given project. These spaces are marked as ridesharing spaces and are located adjacent to the front entry of each building. Your Hacienda rideshare pass will allow you access to these spaces. Drivers display passes in the windshield of cars parking in a designated carpool/vanpool space. Hacienda Security Officers monitor usage of these spaces as needed to insure appropriate use of the stalls.
  • 511 Regional Rideshare Program - Hacienda works closely with the 511 Regional Rideshare Program to allow our employees and residents easy access to the region's largest commuting database. Special programs are available for both carpools (511.org/carpool) and vanpools (511.org/vanpool). These include rewards programs, formation assistance and access to the region's express lanes for high occupancy vehicles.


To qualify for this offer, applicants need to be either an employee within Hacienda or a resident within one of the following Hacienda residential communities: Andares, Anton Hacienda, Avana Stoneridge, Avila, The Galloway, Park Hacienda, Siena, or Verona. Offer specifics along with redemption information follows. If you do not see the section below with details on accessing this offer, please check to make sure that you are currently logged into a valid Employee, Resident, or Owner account and that you are using the most current version of your browser. You can verify that you have an valid account by selecting Login under My Hacienda at the top of any page on the site. Once you are logged into your account, select Profile and then Manage Roles. The list of valid roles in your account will appear along with the ability to add roles or modify role information.

Commute Services

Managing your commute has never been easier thanks to a variety of great commute options and assistance available to help determine the best ways to package your choices. Be sure to visit the pages on our site to learn about these resources or contact our office directly for personalized help with our commute experts.