EDD's CalJobs Offers Free WWW Job Listings Site

Ready for some Internet trivia? OK what's the third largest job related web site? Surprise it's CalJobs, sponsored by the California Employment Development Department's Job Service.

CalJobs, located at www.caljobs.ca.gov, allows both employers and job seekers a way to connect, all at no cost. In fact, the site offers access to the largest job database in the state.

"This is very much a self-service program," explains the EDD's Ron Cornman. "We don't want to intervene in any way between the employers and the job seekers. It's a self-servicing site they don't need us, but we're happy to help if they do."

Employers or job seekers simply need to register online in order to make use of the service.

Employers can either enter job listings at the site or fax completed forms to the EDD for entry there. All that's asked is that the appropriate forms are used.

Cornman indicates that participating businesses rate the service quite highly.

"It's a very successful program," adds Cornman. "We do surveys where we call employers and ask them how we're doing and for the most part we're batting four out of five or five out of five."

For more information, access the web site or call the CalJobs Customer Help Desk at 1-800-758-0398.

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