A Guide to City of Pleasanton Services

Doing business in Pleasanton is easier than ever now that the main city offices at 200 Old Bernal Avenue have been extensively remodeled and updated. One of the results of the renovation is to help streamline business with the public. This month's Network looks at the many City services available to businesses doing business in Pleasanton.

City Manager's Office

123 Main Street
City Manager, Deborah Acosta McKeehan
phone: (925) 931-5002, fax: (925) 931-5482
The City Manager serves as the professional administrator of the City, is responsible for all day-to-day operations, and is the chief advisor to the mayor and city council. The City Manager also appoints a staff of Department Heads to manage the City organization.

City Attorney

123 Main Street
Michael Roush
phone: (925) 931-5015, fax: (925) 931-5482
Advises the City Council and city staff on all legal matters pertaining to city business, frames all ordinances, resolutions and other city documents, and performs all legal services required by the city council.

Economic Development Program

123 Main Street
Economic Development Manager, Gail Gilpin
phone: (925) 931-5040, fax: (925) 931-5476
The Economic Development Program, a division of the City Manager's office strives to provide a positive business climate and a stable economic base for the provision of goods, services, and facilities desired by the community. The program oversees the programs for commute alternatives, business anniversary recognition, online business directory and available office space, and the design of a free job website for Pleasanton employers. After January 1, 2002, the program offices will move to 157 Main Street.

Finance Department

123 Main Street, Administration Division and Accounting Division
200 Old Bernal Avenue, Utility Billing Division, dog licensing, and Business License staff
Director of Finance, Susan Rossi
phone: (925) 931-5400
The department provides City financial information to the public, the city council, the city manager, and other city departments. The department also reads water meters and processes bills and payments for all of the city's water and sewer customers.

General Services Department

123 Main Street
Deputy City Manager, Steve Bocian
phone: (925) 931-5002

City Clerk, Peggy Ezidro
phone: (925) 931-5027, fax: (925) 931-5488
The department oversees the city clerk's office, support services, information systems, and central services and coordinates with the city's affordable housing program.

Human Resources Department

123 Main Street
Deputy City Manager, Nelson Fialho
phone: (925) 931-5002, fax: (925) 931-5482
The department manages all city human resources-related matters including employee recruitment, labor relations and compensation administration.

Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department

4550 East Avenue, Livermore
Fire Chief, Stewart Gary
phone: (925) 454-2361, fax: (925) 454-2367
The department's mission is the protection of life and property through prevention and control of fires and hazardous materials. The department's services include fire suppression, emergency medical response, rescue, hazardous materials incidents, public assistance and inspection for businesses and apartments.

Parks & Community Services

200 Old Bernal Avenue
Director, James Wolfe
phone: (925) 931-5340, fax: (925) 931-5477
The department's responsibilities include park maintenance and facilities, sports programs for all ages, environmental education, cultural and civic arts, recreation for developmentally disabled, special interest classes, and seniors programs. Hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Planning & Community Development

200 Old Bernal Avenue
Director, Brian Swift
phone: (925) 931-5600, fax: (925) 931-5483

Principal Planner, Jerry Iserson
phone: (925) 931-5605

Principal Planner, Wayne Rasmussen
phone: (925) 931-5606
The department is responsible for providing, among other services, the administration of land-use regulations and enforcement of the City code. Hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Long-Range Planning     The General Plan is the official document used by the City and contains eleven elements pertaining to land use, circulation, housing, public safety, public facilities, conservation and open space, noise, air quality, community character, economic and fiscal issues, and sub-regional planning. For a copy of the General Plan, contact the department at (925) 931-5600.

Current Planning     This division is responsible for processing new development applications, including reviewing preliminary plans, holding hearings for the public review and comment on the proposals, and overseeing the implementation of the development to ensure that it is constructed in accordance with all City requirements.

Planning Commission     The commission advises the council on land-use matters including zoning issues, use permits, variances and site and architectural plans. Members review and make recommendations regarding development plans submitted by the Planning Department, and are also responsible for the annual General Plan and specific plan reviews. The Planning Commission meets at 7:00 pm the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.

Code Enforcement     For answers to questions about property maintenance and City codes or to initiate action to enforce the ordinance and codes, call (925) 931-5620.

Pleasanton Public Library

400 Old Bernal Avenue
Library Services Director, Billie Dancy
phone: (925) 931-3400
Reference librarians are ready to help you with any business or general question in person, by phone or online at www.ci.pleasanton.ca.us/library.html. The library houses a large selection of business and business law books. Hours are Monday - Thursday, 10:00 am to 9:00 pm; Friday - Saturday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm; Sunday, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Police Department

4833 Bernal Avenue
Chief, Tim Neal
phone: (925) 931-5100, fax: (925) 931-5480
The Operations Division is primarily comprised of uniformed personnel for 24/7 patrol. The Special Operations Unit handles traffic and parking enforcement, animal services, special events, and the Reserve Officer program. The Investigation and Services Division provides follow-up investigations and support services. The Records and Communications Bureau serves the community 24 hours a day. Dispatchers answer and evaluate 911 calls and are responsible for initiating police, fire, and paramedic responses.

Public Works & Utilities Department

200 Old Bernal Avenue
Public Works and Engineering Director, Randall Lum
phone: (925) 931-5650, fax: (925) 931-5479
The department plans and maintains the City's water, sewer, storm drainage, street, and transportation systems. This includes the design and construction of public facilities and review of private infrastructure, engineering, architectural and landscape architectural services, transportation planning and traffic engineering. After January 1, 2002, public works inspection will move to 157 Main Street.

Building Inspection Division

200 Old Bernal Avenue
Chief Building Official, George Thomas
phone: (925) 931-5300, fax: (925) 931-5478
With 15 full- and part-time employees, the office provides field inspection and administrative services. Permit process services for residential dwellings include new construction,additions to existing construction projects, remodeling and/or modifications to existing structures and re-submittals. The commercial permit process bureau includes new construction projects, additions to existing projects, tenant improvements, remodeling or modifications, re-submittals and fire sprinklers installation. Hours are 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Engineering Division

phone: (925) 931-5650     
The Engineering Services Division provides support to City departments and implements the Capital Improvement Program.

Private Development     The Private Development Section is responsible for plan review, map checking, and project management of all private development (residential, commercial, and industrial) occurring within the public right of way and easements.

Capital Improvement Program     The Capital Improvement Program Section is responsible for the planning, designing, budgeting, scheduling, funding, and contracting administration of projects listed in the City's Capital Improvement Program Budget.

Public Works Inspection     The Public Works Inspection Section inspects all private development (residential, commercial, and industrial) occurring within the right of ways and easements and is responsible for construction management and inspecting projects listed in the City's Capital Improvement Program Budget. This section also issues encroachment permits.

Traffic Engineering     The Traffic Engineering Section plans, designs, and operates transportation facilities and services.

Streets     The Streets Division ensures that the City streets, sidewalks, parking lots, traffic controls signs, and pavement markings are maintained to provide safe and accessible public passage.

Street Maintenance     The Street Maintenance Program maintains and repairs existing paved streets and City parking lots.

Street Cleaning Program     This program contracts for weekly sweeping of the downtown business district's streets and monthly sweeping of all other streets and City parking lots.

Traffic Maintenance Program      The Traffic Maintenance Program provides for the fabrication, installation and maintenance of the City's traffic control signs.

Concrete Maintenance Program     The Concrete Maintenance Program maintains and repairs all City sidewalks, curbs, gutters and other concrete structures to provide safe walkways for pedestrians, and to maintain the proper flow lines for water run-off.

Landscape Architecture Division     This division works with the public, other City departments, and design consultants to design and prepare drawings for the construction of new park projects and renovation of existing parks.

Sanitary Sewer Division     The Sanitary Sewer Division operates and maintains the City's sewer collection and storm drainage systems. The division also is responsible for monitoring industrial discharges to ensure compliance with water quality control regulations. This division consists of three programs: pump stations, sewer agencies, and sanitary sewer. The Sewer Division has personnel on call seven days a week and 24 hours a day. All after-hours calls will be directed to the proper channels. The phone number for maintenance issues is (925) 931-5535. Normal business hours are 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.

The Urban Runoff Clean Water Program      This program fulfills a County-wide effort to control pollutants reaching the San Francisco Bay from storm water discharges.

The Water Division provides the Annual Water Quality Report that is available in the department or online.

Go Online for More Information

You'll find plenty of City information online at www.ci.pleasanton.ca.us to help in your business. On the site is information about commercial locations available for retail, office, industrial and research and development space; a vacant land survey, a business license tax application, Planning and Community Development Department forms, and Pleasanton Joint Powers Financing Report. The City of Pleasanton offers an e-mail notification service for receiving the city council agendas and minutes.

Photo: The City of Pleasanton is headquartered in a number of facilities at the Civic Center Complex. Top is the newly-renovated structure at 200 Old Bernal Avenue which houses the Council Chambers and other offices. Next, the 123 Main Street building is directly adjacent to 200 Old Bernal; The facility at 157 Main Street is the newest addition to the Civic Center and will house the Economic Development Program and Public Works & Utilities Department starting in January. The facility at 157 Main Street is the newest addition to the Civic Center and will house the Economic Development Program and Public Works & Utilities Department starting in January.

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