When it comes to investing in your financial future, nearly everyone could use the advice of an expert. If you live or work in Hacienda, that advice is available right around the corner at American Express Financial Advisors at 3825 Hopyard Road. The firm, led by Roger Moore CSA, CDFA, provides financial planning for individuals and small businesses that includes advice on investing, saving and investing for retirement, financial strategies for small business, divorce planning, investment strategies for education, estate planning, and asset allocation. The firm is also experienced in working with the financial needs of retirees.
"Financial planning and advice is our primary service," Moore says. "We also deal with approximately 3,000 mutual funds, all types of stocks, annuities, and life insurance." American Express Financial Advisors has been at its Hopyard Road location for 10 years and Moore has been in financial services business for 42 years. Moore is fully licensed to provide services in insurance and securities in 17 states including Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas. The firm overall has approximately 1,000 clients. "We're big enough to get the job done and small enough to care," Moore says. The other three partners at the firm are Richard Gross, Keith Howard, and Tony Tarantino.
The Hacienda facility of American Express Financial Advisors has no baseline income bracket that it serves. Whether you're a student or a millionaire, you can avail yourself of their services. "Our youngest client is 18 and our oldest client is 95," Moore says. "Our fees depend on their age and what their specific needs are in the way that we work with their investments. We deal with all types of clients from the junior achiever to those who are retired or about to retire."
It's really no wonder that people need help planning their financial future due to the many facets involved in doing it right. "People come to us for our knowledge and our expertise," Moore says. "There are six key areas of financial planning and our primary focus is to generate comprehensive plans that cover all of those areas. We develop a plan before we even talk about investments." In addition to providing financial advice, Moore is also an approved seminar presenter for American Express Financial Advisors, working with companies to provide financial information seminars for their employees.
While financial planning is often ignored by many people, Moore says that it shouldn't be put on the bottom of life's to-do list by anyone - regardless of their age or income level. "To any given individual's future, financial planning is extremely important. If you're making $35,000 a year, based on your current income and potential future income, your total income over the next ten years will add up to around $500,000. If you think about your money in terms of that sum, doesn't it make sense to have some plan to handle it?"
Photo: Roger Moore, who is licensed to provide financial services in 17 states, has worked in the financial services business for 42 years.
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