Tri-Valley Transportation Forum to Bring Together Political, Business Leaders on April 5

The Tri-Valley Business Council is bringing together a number of political leaders, transportation experts, and members of the business community for the Tri-Valley Transportation Forum, to be held on Wednesday, April 5 at the CarrAmerica Conference Center in Hacienda.

Transportation is generally recognized as one of the biggest challenges facing the continued growth and prosperity of the Bay Area. That's also true of the Tri-Valley, where congestion can stymie travel on I-580 and I-680.

Fortunately, local elected officials have begun taking steps to address problems and to lay out a plan for improved mobility. A number of proposed infrastructure improvement plans and other legislation could fund projects that would help resolve regional traffic issues and increase the movement of people, goods, and services in the region. The forum will highlight these efforts and will feature expert speakers who will address what needs to be done to make these improvements a reality.

"With the governor coming up with his infrastructure package, we're very concerned that the Tri-Valley isn't shown as getting its fair share of improvements," says Tom O'Malley, president of the Tri-Valley Business Council. "The primary intent of the forum is to bring people together to help determine priorities and to advocate that we get our own fair share."

The event is expected to help create a consensus among local business and political leaders so that they can move forward together, speaking in a single voice to advocate Tri-Valley project funding and priorities.

Assemblyman Guy Houston and Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty have already confirmed their participation. Other invited speakers include State Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata, State Senator Tom Torlakson, and Tri-Valley Transportation Council Chair Tom Reitter.

The event is free of charge and will be held from 8:00 to 11:30 am at the CarrAmerica Conference Center, 4400 Rosewood Drive. Seating is limited so it is recommended that those interested in attending RSVP as soon as possible. To reserve a place or for more information on the event, contact Melinda Evett at (925) 447-9131 or e-mail It is also possible to register by faxing your name, title, affiliation, phone, and e-mail to Evett at (925) 447-3039.

For additional information on the Tri-Valley Business Council, contact O'Malley at (925) 890-1892 or access the organization's web site at

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