The City of Pleasanton offers a host of services to the community. Here's a directory detailing the services offered by each of the city's departments as well as contact information.
The City Manager, the city's head administrator, acts as the chief advisor to the City Council and provides oversight to assure that programs and services are effectively and efficiently provided. The City Manager appoints and oversees the heads of each of the city's departments: Administrative Services, Economic Development, Finance, Fire, General Services, Library, Parks and Community Services, Planning, Police, and Public Works. Contact the City Manager's office at (925) 931-5002.
The City Attorney advises the City Council and city staff on all legal matters pertaining to city business; frames all ordinances, resolutions and other city documents; and represents the city in legal actions, including property transactions. Contact the City Attorney's office at (925) 931-5015.
Serving as advisors to the City Council, commissioners research and discuss community issues and make recommendations to the Council. Pleasanton is served by eight standing commissions/committees.
The mission of Pleasanton's Economic Development Department is to provide a positive business climate and a stable economic base for the provision of goods, services, and facilities desired by the community. To that end, the Economic Development Department leads or participates in a number of programs designed to increase economic development in Pleasanton.
One example of these programs is Pleasanton's Economic Vitality Strategic Plan, a document that outlines a simple goal: to provide a positive business climate and a stable economic base for business growth and prosperity, along with the provision of goods, services, and facilities the community expects. This document, which is revised every three years, also serves as a guide for the Economic Vitality Committee, a group of local business people from different market segments who are appointed by the City Council to serve the city as advisors.
The Economic Development Department oversees the city's participation in Commendable Commutes, a partnership with local employers to help reduce peak hour traffic and air pollution through the promotion of transportation alternatives. Services include a citywide Guaranteed Ride Home Program, on-site transportation information visits, and Try Transit Program. All Hacienda businesses are eligible to participate in this program.
In addition, the department sponsors the Local Emergency Action Plan (LEAP), a partnership between the City of Pleasanton and local businesses and non-profit organizations to ensure continuity of business and service operations after a local emergency or disaster.
Economic Development participates in a number of regional economic development efforts, including the Tri-Valley Business Council, and oversees an online business directory, a free job website for Pleasanton employers (, information on starting a business, and an online directory of available commercial space. Contact the Economic Development Department at (925) 931-5038.
The Finance Department is responsible for the safekeeping, management and accounting of the city's financial assets. The department provides city financial information to the public, the City Council, the City Manager, and other city departments. The department audits revenue sources, processes cash receipts, payroll and accounts payable, administers assessment districts and other debt, invests the city's funds, monitors the city's budget, and coordinates the city's financial audits. The department also reads water meters, and processes bills and payments for all of the city's water and sewer customers. The Finance Department is headed by the Director of Finance, who can be reached by calling (925) 931-5400.
Administration Division The Administration Division provides the direction and coordination of all Finance Department functions and can be reached at (925) 931-5400.
Treasury Division The Treasury Division monitors, controls, audits and invests the city's funds and can be reached by calling (925) 931-5400.
A Business License is required in order to conduct business within the City of Pleasanton The Business License Division can be reached by calling (925) 931-5440.
Accounting Division This division is responsible for maintaining the general ledger accounting system. This includes processing the city's payroll, receiving and accounting for all cash collections, paying bills, invoicing and collecting accounts receivable, posting all financial activities to the computerized ledger system, and generating financial reports. The Accounting Division may be reached at (925) 931-5400.
Utility Billing Division The Utility Billing Division is responsible for reading all water meters, producing bills, processing payments, and providing customer account services and water conservation information and can be reached at (925) 931-5425.
The goal of the City of Pleasanton Human Resources Department is to attract and retain a highly talented and qualified city workforce. The department manages all city human resources-related matters including employee recruitment, labor relations, and compensation administration. Contact the Pleasanton Human Resources Department at (925) 931-5048 or their Career Hotline at (925) 931-5056.
As an emergency response and community service organization, the goal of the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department is to limit the risk of fire; to limit injury and property damage associated with fire, explosions, hazardous materials incidents, storms or other natural and technological emergencies; to prepare city forces for disaster response; and to better prepare the community for self help in the event of a major disaster.
The Fire Department also conducts a number of fire prevention activities for businesses, including new construction and tenant improvement plan check and inspection and annual fire inspections. A commitment to emergency preparedness is another key focus of the department, which provides a wide range of services for the public. Information about how to prepare for various emergencies can be found on the city's website at In an emergency, always dial 911. To contact the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department with questions when emergencies aren't present, call (925) 454-2361.
The Parks & Community Services Department offers a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities, classes, services and facilities for all ages through its Parks Maintenance, Recreation, Civic Arts, Human Services, Landscape Architecture, and Administration divisions. Contact the department at (925) 931-5340.
The Planning Department is responsible for providing a range of planning services related to current, advanced planning and code enforcement, including the administration of land-use regulations and enforcement of the city code. The General Plan is the official document used by city decision-makers and citizens to guide the long-range development of land and the conservation of resources in Pleasanton. In many cases zoning regulations govern building setbacks and other items such as maximum height and finish materials, each of which requires Planning Department approval. The City Planning Commission advises the Council on land use matters including zoning issues, use permits, variance and site and architectural plans. The Commission reviews and makes recommendations regarding development plans submitted by the City's Planning Department, and is also responsible for General Plan and Specific Plan reviews. For a copy of the City's General Plan or site specific and policy inquiries, contact the Planning Department at (925) 931-5600.
The Pleasanton Public Library is located at 400 Old Bernal Avenue at the northeast corner of Bernal Avenue and Old Bernal Avenue/Case Avenue. The Library's hours are Monday through Thursday 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, Friday and Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Sunday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Reference librarians are ready to help you with any business or general question in person, by phone, or online at
The library's website also has links to extensive online business resources at with information about business law, industry information, how to start a business, business directories, and investment information. For more information, contact the Pleasanton Public Library at (925) 931-3400.
The Pleasanton Police Department's mission is to work in collaboration with the community to protect life and property. This is accomplished through the creative use of resources, community education, and involvement and interactive problem solving as the Police Department strives to maintain trust, understanding, and mutual respect within the department and the city. The underlying philosophy of the department is Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS), which aims to create an enhanced problem-solving partnership between the police and the public. To those ends, the police department maintains personnel devoted to community policing, crime prevention, patrol operations, traffic, investigation, records and communications, permits, and youth services.
The Pleasanton Police Department also has an extensive crime prevention program which is offered at no charge to businesses. Simply call the department to schedule a security survey for your business and an officer will visit your site, inspect it, and make recommendations as to how security might be improved.
For information or non-emergency calls contact the department at (925) 931-5100. In an emergency, always dial 911.
The Public Works Department is responsible for the design and construction of public facilities and review of private infrastructure; plan review and inspection of building construction; and the operation and maintenance of city buildings, fleet, water, sewer, storm drainage, street, and transportation systems. This is accomplished through the department's five major divisions: Engineering, Traffic, Building Inspection, Utility Planning, and Operations. Contact the Public Works and Engineering Department at (925) 931-5650.
Engineering This division designs and constructs public facilities and reviews public improvements constructed in conjunction with the development of private property. The Engineering Division is comprised of the Capital Improvement Section, which prepares the plans, specifications, and contract documents for the construction of public improvements such as roads, utility pipelines, pump stations, bridges, and public buildings; the Development Services Section, which works with private developers and the public in the review and approval of subdivision maps and improvement plans; and the Public Works Inspection Section, which provides inspection of public project designs during construction and assures that approved plans and specifications are followed during the construction of public projects. The Engineering Division can be contacted at (925) 931-5650.
Traffic This division is responsible for planning and operating the roadways, sidewalks, and bikeways to provide for the safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and services within Pleasanton. The most common requests of division staff involve safety, speed, traffic signals, signs and markings, and school and neighborhood traffic conditions. Contact the Traffic Division at (925) 931-5650.
Building Inspection Services The Building Inspection Services Divisions mission is to safeguard the citizens against faulty or inappropriate building, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical construction practices and to provide guidance in compliance of state and local construction laws as they relate to seismic, wind, and fire life safety in both plan review and field inspection. This division reviews and inspects all private development structures and site work within the property boundary. Work proposed within a public right of way or public easement requires an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department. The division can be reached at (925) 931-5300.
Utility Planning and Operations These divisions oversee a variety of areas related to planning, delivery, and maintenance of utilities and public assets. These include the following:
City of Pleasanton's Clean Water Program is a combined effort with local governments, residents and local businesses working together to protect area creeks, wetlands, and ultimately San Francisco Bay. The program educates the public about storm water pollution and how it can be prevented, works to eliminate illegal dumping, monitors water quality, helps to develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce the amount of runoff pollution with simple and effective techniques that businesses and city operations can use to control the pollution they contribute. Contact the Clean Water Program at (925) 931-5500.
The Pleasanton Sewer/Storm Drain Division provides round the clock sewer and storm drain maintenance services for the community. The Sewer Division can be contacted at (925) 931-5535 during normal business hours (7:00 am to 3:30 pm). Emergency service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year by calling the Pleasanton Police Dispatcher at (925) 931-5100.
The Pleasanton Street Division ensures that the city's streets, sidewalks, parking lots, traffic control signs and pavement markings are maintained to provide safe and accessible public passage throughout the city. The Street Division consists of four programs: Street Maintenance, Street Cleaning, Traffic Maintenance, and Concrete Maintenance. The Street Division can be contacted at (925) 931-5551.
The Pleasanton Support Services Division provides physical and custodial maintenance of the public building infrastructure and procurement and maintenance of the city's vehicle and equipment fleet. The three full time Fleet Mechanics are responsible for over 287 pieces of equipment and vehicles, as well as installed generators, compressors, fuel pumps and tanks. Building Maintenance is divided into two organizations with four maintenance and seven custodial personnel, and over 307,000 square feet of office space and 86 buildings to maintain. Contact the Support Services Division at (925) 931-5580 or 931-5582 during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.
The Pleasanton Water Division provides a dependable water supply to the residents and businesses of Pleasanton. It strives to maintain a leak-free system that provides continuous service, emergency fire protection and meets the fluctuating demands of the system. The division makes it a high priority to meet all State Health Department standards and to protect Pleasanton's natural resources and the environment. The Water Division can be contacted at (925) 931-5520 during normal business hours, 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. Emergency service is available 24 hours, 365 days a year by calling the Police Dispatch at 931-5100.
For more information about services in the City of Pleasanton, visit the city's website at
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