Classic Cars Spark Memories at Annual Car Show and Fundraiser

Relive those hot August nights of your youth at the 25th annual Nostalgia Day Car Show in downtown Livermore.

The all-day show on Sunday, September 28 draws hundreds of classic cars for fans to peruse at their leisure while enjoying the ambiance of downtown.

"People just go around and ooh and ah and love the cars," event spokesperson Judy Guidry said. "We are one of the largest car shows in the entire area. We have more than 700 cars registered. It's a show that so many people keep coming back for."

The beauty of this particular car show, hosted by the Altamont Cruisers, is that it exists for more than the pure joy of relishing classic cars. It also raises money to fund local youth programs.

"The Altamont Cruisers are a car club where our theme is cruisers against drugs and alcohol," Guidry explained. "We set up grants for organizations that are youth-based in the Tri-Valley area. We've raised more than $400,000 in the last 25 years. We've donated a good portion of that."

The annual car show fundraiser initially funded programs that target the problem of teens drinking and driving.

"We've lost so many youth in the valley to drinking and driving accidents," Guidry noted. "It's just something that's near and dear to our hearts."

The scope has expanded in recent years so that the club's funds help a broader range of programs that support youths. The club has given money for scholarships for veterans' children, special education programs and Open Heart Kitchen's free lunch program.

"When they first started the club, their thing was cruisers against drugs and alcohol," she said. "It's blossomed. As we know, the youth in our valley struggle."

The popular annual car show brings in big bucks through registration fees for every car on display and with multiple sponsorships from local companies. Some local restaurants have gotten in on the action by donating a percentage of the day's sales.

The expansive car show takes up several streets in downtown Livermore. First, Second and Third streets are loaded with classic cars all the way from the Livermore Avenue to L Street.

"We've had horseless carriages to Mustangs from the '70s," Guidry recalled. "The '80s are going to be coming up soon. We've had fire trucks. One year, we had a tractor that won an award in its division."

The hundreds of cars on display are judged in multiple categories by Altamont Cruisers club members. While many members enter their prized vehicles in the show, they are not eligible for any of the highly coveted commemorative plaques that are awarded.

The Altamont Cruisers was founded in 1988 by a handful of car enthusiasts. The club has grown to include nearly 200 people, mostly couples that enjoy the camaraderie of the club.

"They enjoyed showing off their classic cars and driving them around," Guidry said of the club's roots. "It was families seeking the common goal of having good, clean fun while supporting community outreach programs."

The good, clean fun continues at the annual car show and fundraiser, which also features vendor booths, lots of great food, grand prize giveaways and catchy tunes spun by a live DJ.

"Come out and enjoy the beautiful cars," Guidry urged. "It's family fun, it's free. It's fun to look at the old cars and meet all the neat people."

The 25th annual Nostalgia Day Car Show is held from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in downtown Livermore on Sunday, September 28. Visit for more information about the event and the Altamont Cruisers car club.

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